Director: Martin Scorsese
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Max Von Sydow, Michelle William, Emily Mortimer, Jackie Earle Haley
Year: 2010
Genre: Mistery / Thriller
Cinema-Reader – 8.0
MDB – 8.1
FilmAffinity – 7.3
FilmAffinity – 7.3
Cinema-Reader Synopsis:
When US Marshall Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) lands on Shutter Island, a small island off the coast of Detroit used as a high security hospital for dangerous insane inmates in order to investigate the disappearance of Rachel Sorondo, he couldn’t imagine what he was about to be involved.
All nurses, guardians and the warden, an enigmatic doctor played by Sir Ben Kingsley, are hiding secrets from Daniels, something valuable enough not to allow anybody, including Daniels, to jeopardize it. Plus a storm affects the electric supply of barracks releasing all inmates out of control around the premises.
All nurses, guardians and the warden, an enigmatic doctor played by Sir Ben Kingsley, are hiding secrets from Daniels, something valuable enough not to allow anybody, including Daniels, to jeopardize it. Plus a storm affects the electric supply of barracks releasing all inmates out of control around the premises.
Therefore, Daniels will be pushed towards the edge of his own sanity making difficult any attempt of solving the mystery.
Cinema-Reader Review:
When Leonardo DiCaprio gathers Scorsese, ever since they worked together for their very first time a bunch of years ago, everybody expect a new great piece.
And is worth mentioning no feeling of disappointments could be felt between the audience after the projection.
Scorsese’s raid on mystery can be deemed as a great piece. Thus I still consider Shutter Island and despite being a great film is far from prior movies such overwhelming as The Departed, Casino or Goodfellas.
In any case, the film is full of tension which peaks of maximum climax involves the viewer within the halo of mystery surrounding all happenings that take place in such a disturbing island.
In addition, a cast full of great names (DiCaprio, Kingsley, Von Sidow, Ruffalo, and Mortimer) helps holding the whole responsibility when gaps in the script (no big enough to screw the whole thing) show up.
Having said that, and alongside other releases which opened early this year and all those coming up, seems to be a great year within film industry, leaving behind a year to forget, 2009.
I think Shutter Island is a great psico-thriller. Can't really compare it to The Departed, a crime, mafia... movie, but if I were to chose, I'd stick with Shutter Island.
PD. Haven't seen Casino or Goodfellas :(
Between the 4, I pick with no hesitation The Departure. Great plot, blood all around, mafia stuff and Nicholson. Great blend :)
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